To minimize the impact of its activities on the environment, The Nigerian Exchange Group considers it important to increase resource efficiency and reduce waste, by recycling waste materials where possible and minimizing use of natural resources. The Exchange is continually improving its environmental management practices and measures, educating employees to adopt environmentally responsible behaviour and promoting these same practices in its supply chain and marketplace.
Nigerian Exchange Group Recycling Initiative
To reduce its waste and impact on the environment, the Group implements a Workplace Recycling Initiative to ensure environmentally friendly disposal and recycling of waste generated within its premises. This initiative is implemented in partnership Recyclepoints. Under this scheme, the Exchange recycles waste aluminum cans, cartons, nylons, shredded paper and plastic.
Energy Efficiency Programme
In 2014, The Nigerian Exchange Group offered its Head Office as a template for high-rise energy efficient buildings in Nigeria. This programme resulted in a 70% drop in lighting load reduction and 20% overall energy savings. The Exchange continues to operate an energy efficiency management plan to reduce its energy intensity and greenhouse gas emissions.