Trading License Holder Directory
To trade a security listed on the Nigerian Exchange Limited (NGX), you must sign up with any of the Trading License Holder Firms itemized below:
Dealing Member | Status |
Disclaimer: The above mentioned lists refer to Trading License Holder Firms who have met the respective criteria for each list, as such these respective lists are not static and can change from time to time. Details of the criteria for a list and any further information regarding the list can be found at the links for each list.
The use of the information provided in the above mentioned lists and the selection of a Trading License Holder Firm from any of the list is at the user’s sole risk. The information is provided without warranties or representations of any kind, either express or implied. The list of Trading License Holder Firms provided is not to be construed as:
- NGX’s approval or endorsement of a Trading License Holder’s activities; or
- a confirmation or acknowledgment of one Trading License Holder over another Trading License Holder; or
- a waiver of or concession regarding any infractions/violations committed by a Trading License Holder; or
- NGX being liable for or taking responsibility for the actions of a Trading License Holder.
NGX, its subsidiaries, affiliates or assigns, or its or their respective directors, officers, employees or representatives shall not be liable or responsible to any person or entity in connection with the use of any information provided; or for any act or omission as a result of the information; or for any loss or damages caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by or as a result of the information provided.