Introduction to Short selling
Short selling is an investment or trading strategy that speculates on the decline in a stock or other securities price. Traders may use short selling as speculation, and investors or portfolio managers may use it as a hedge against the downside risk in the same security or a related one.
Given its nature, short-selling activity is tightly related to the supply of stocks in the stock lending market. It is generally accepted that short-sellers are investors motivated by economic fundamentals such as the uncertainties caused by the pandemic.
₦ 2,500

Investor Relations Masterclass
This programme is designed to give seasoned Investor Relations (IR) Professionals and Board of Directors an extensive update on current IR best practices as well as a practical view of the expectations of the investment community.
The course covers the breadth of regulatory compliance and disclosure practice, latest developments in the accounting field, the use of technology and social media to foster closer relationships with investors and evolving best practices in critical aspects of the day to day role of Investor Relations.
₦ 35,000

Current trends in Financial Statements Reporting (IFRS) and Requirements
This training will help participants stay abreast of current trends in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and understand the regulatory reporting requirements of specific regulatory agencies such as the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRCN), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Nigerian Exchange(NGX).
₦ 20,000

Webinar- Dimensioning the Next Curve, Knowing What is Coming, & Strategically Preparing for It.
This course is designed to provide knowledge you for the next curve in the new normal. Every organization that will thrive in the next curve of business in the new normal needs to understand how to maximize digital tools and scaling methods.
This short course is a good foundation for you to see opportunities you can explore in the new normal. Learn how to maximise and turn around the disruption every business is confronted with and how big organisations across the world are responding to the change.
₦ 1,580

Digital Transformation, Trading & Investment Strategies in The Brokerage Community
Digital transformation and Disruptive innovation as a tool for trading & investment has gone from being mere projections to immediate-term action items. With today’s market downturns, there is an urgent need for creative strategies and effective risk management techniques to trade successfully. No matter who your clients are, a digital transformation strategy that results in accurate information being delivered to decision makers in real time is essential for a sustained competitive advantage.
Innovative portfolio management and the ability to integrate new tools with existing systems are critical to designing better and wider products and delivering them to market faster. Hence, digital business creates a simpler and higher level of customer experience regardless of channel..
₦ 10,000

Emerging Responsibilities of Company Secretaries and Board Members
The dynamic changes in the new normal of the Boardroom calls for more responsibilities on the part of the Company Secretary and the Board.
The Board is to navigate the organization towards the realization of its long and short-term goals at this time. In order to do this effectively, the board must take into consideration the responsibilities that it is saddled with.
Similarly, the Company Secretary should also be aware of the emerging responsibilities that would arise in the process of guiding the board in reaching its goal.
This course is aimed at building capacity in Boards and company Secretaries on the evolving responsibilities that they would have to contend with in order to successfully discharge their responsibilities to the organization
₦ 15,000

Reporting on NGX sustainability disclosure guidelines using the gri standards
The “NGX Shared Goals Shared Future – Guidance for Issuers on the Nigerian Exchange” have been applicable effective January 2019. Notwithstanding that the disclosure guidelines are mandatory to all Premium Board listed companies, all issuers are encouraged to apply them.
The training will cover the NGX guidelines’ core principles, elements, and sustainability reporting requirements to report on as well as related GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards, the world’s widely used Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) disclosure standards.
₦ 30,000

Tech Entrepreneurship and Smart Venturing in the Digital Age
We are living in an era of digital disruption and capitalizing on these opportunities involves creating ventures that leverage on digital technologies. Digital entrepreneurship has become the central driver of wealth, growth, and job creation in the new era of digital revolution.
Recent developments in the context of digital entrepreneurship most especially during this time of the global pandemic – COVID-19 will tend to enable entirely new categories of businesses. This has become clear that over the longer term, businesses can accelerate innovation and entrepreneurs that choose to take advantage of these underlying challenges will succeed and the ones that don’t will get disrupted.
In the light of the above, The Nigeria Exchange Limited X-Academy and Harbor Road/Tech Creek organised this virtual training focused on:
- Identifying the key elements of creating your technology oriented ventures and
- Leveraging on high growth venture opportunities in the digital domain.
- What entrepreneurs need to do to remain relevant now and in the future.
How the world will view money and money transfer post-covid -19 and how to respond.